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WikiLeaks Publishes CIA Hacking Tool Designed To "Impersonate" Russia's Kaspersky Lab

On September 18th, the US Senate voted to ban the use of products from the Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab by the federal government, citing national security risk. The vote was included as an amendment to an annual defense policy spending bill approved by the Senate on the same day

Senate Declares War On Assange

An angry Julian Assange slammed efforts to officially classify his whistleblowing organization as a "non-state hostile intelligence service", decrying it as an attempt to put the "Pompeo Doctrine" into law. In its annual "intelligence authorization", the Senate Intelligence Committee proposed to

Wikileaks Reveals "Dumbo": Tool That Allows CIA To Shut Down Cameras And Microphones

Since Wikileaks began releasing classified CIA documents back in March as part of its “Vault 7” series of leaks, purportedly the largest document dump in the agency’s history, it has publicly unveiled programs with innocent sounding names like “Marble”, “Scribbles” and “Archimedes” that the agency

Will the Government Ruin Self-Driving Cars?

Via The Daily Bell Over the past several decades, cars have become increasingly high tech allowing for computers to take larger roles in the routine functions of the car.  Computerized functions have been a boon to consumers, who advantage from greater reliability and efficiency, but also to

WikiLeaks Offers $10,000 To Get Intercept Reporter Behind NSA Story Terminated

Once upon a time Wikileaks was the go to service for any aspiring leakers. Also, once upon a time Wikileaks was on (somewhat) friendly terms with the Intercept, a website which reportedly focuses on government security in the name of protecting the public interest. All that ended overnight, when in

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